Combine commands to run on Linux (Debian)

Below we are going to add a bunch of commands into a file and run them all at once where you need to. This should help with development time

Below we are going to add a bunch of commands into a file and run them all at once where you need to. This should help with development time

In your debian instance

  • Create a file for your commands

    nano /bin/new_script
  • Add some commands to your script with && symbols at end of each command to run after another like example

  • This is example is Magento 2 Commands when rebuilding code on developer environments

    rm -rf generated/code/* && 
    rm -rf pub/static/frontend/* && 
    rm -rf pub/static/adminhtml/* && 
    docker-compose run --rm deploy magento-command setup:upgrade && 
    docker-compose run --rm deploy magento-command setup:di:compile && 
    docker-compose run --rm deploy cloud-deploy && 
    docker-compose run --rm deploy magento-command cache:clean && 
    docker-compose run --rm deploy magento-command cache:flush
  • Add permissions to file so the script can run anywhere

    chmod +x /bin/new_script
  • CD into directory you want to run script and run like so


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