Setup GitHub SSH key using Windows

Setup GitHub SSH key using Windows

GitHub SSH authentification using Windows

This is how I installed Git and authenticated with my GitHub repo using a ssh key using Windows OS

Download and install git

Create a folder for a git repo

  • Create a folder in your windows system
  • Open folder in git by right clicking and selecting git bash image.png

Create a ssh key (Open ssh type)

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
  • Follow prompts and save to your .ssh folder
  • View and copy your public key you need to add this later

Go to your github security settings

  • Cick SSH and GPG keys
  • Click NewSSH key image.png
  • Add public key you copied before new SSH key and add add a Title
  • Add SSH key
  • You should have a success notification

Add your ssh-agent connection to .profile

  • Open your git folder using git bash again
  • Create a .profile or edit it
    nano ~/.profile
  • Add these contents. Remember to edit to set path to your ssh key!
    #! /bin/bash 
    eval `ssh-agent -s` 
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/<ADD_PATH_TO_SSH_KEY>

Add your ssh-agent connection to .bashrc

  • You will need to add to bash as well. eg. I am using git terminal in Android studio so I will need to change bashrc
  • Create a .bashrc or edit it
    nano ~/.bashrc
  • Add these contents. Remember to edit to set path to your ssh key!
    #! /bin/bash 
    eval `ssh-agent -s` 
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/<ADD_PATH_TO_SSH_KEY>
  • Restart the app that you are using git cli
  • You should see something like
    Agent pid XXXX
    Identity added: xxxxxxxxx
  • Go to one of your repos and fetch remote repo by running
    git fetch
  • This should fetch contents without asking for key or ssh agent


Shameless Plugs

Feel free to comment with questions or feedback✌️

Happy coding,

Az 👨🏾‍💻

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