Automatically Tweet Hashnode blogs using GitHub Actions
How to post your Hashnode blogs to Twitter using GitHub Actions (pipeline)
Table of contents
This is how I post my Hashnode blogs to Twitter automatically by using GitHub Actions. You can see these tweets on my Twitter account.
- Github provides 2,000 minutes a month for free account which is plenty!
- This GitHub action only uses 20s / 1 billable minute
Setup Hashnode API
First, check out this awesome blog by Catalin about the Hashnode API and make sure you can call the API and your blogs
Load the Hashnode API playground
Setup your Hashnode API playground like so, including your own blog name if hasnode playground hasn't done it for you already
{ user(username: "<ADD_YOUR_BLOG_USERNAME") { publication { posts(page: 0) { title brief slug } } } }
Create a GitHub Action
Follow this my previous blog on how to tweet using GitHub actions
Add some more steps before the tweet step
Add fetching Hashnode API
# API request - name: Deploy Stage id: myRequest uses: fjogeleit/http-request-action@master with: url: '' method: 'POST' data: '{"query":"{\n user(username: \"<ADD_YOUR_USERNAME>\") {\n publication {\n posts(page: 0) {\n title\n brief\n slug\n }\n }\n }\n}\n"}' customHeaders: '{"headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}}'
Add another step to check your response
- name: Show Response run: echo ${{ steps.myRequest.outputs.response }}
Add a JavaScript executor to run some JavaScript to modify the query
# Sort Json array - name: Execute JavaScript inline id: quoteFiltered uses: satackey/action-js-inline@v0.0.2 with: # Edit the following line to install packages required to run your script. required-packages: axios script: | //setup const core = require('@actions/core') const axios = require('axios') //set output from other step const quoteJson = ${{ steps.myRequest.outputs.response }} //Filter what blog to receive randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6); const title = (String(quoteJson['data']['user']['publication']['posts'][randomNumber]['title'])); const slug = (String(quoteJson['data']['user']['publication']['posts'][randomNumber]['slug'])); //What tweet contents will be const finalQuote = (title+' '+''+slug+'{ by @az_codez } from @hashnode #softwaredevelopment #coding #softwareengineering #programming #techblog') console.log(finalQuote) //Output core.setOutput('finalQuote', finalQuote)
Make sure you run your GitHub action multiple times to check what you are going to tweet is correct and GitHub Action passes
Now add your tweet to Twitter step
# Tweet to twitter - name: TweetToTwitter uses: InfraWay/tweet-action@v1.0.1 with: status: ${{ steps.quoteFiltered.outputs.finalQuote }} api_key: ${{ secrets.TWITTER_API_KEY }} api_key_secret: ${{ secrets.TWITTER_API_SECRET_KEY }} access_token: ${{ secrets.TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN }} access_token_secret: ${{ secrets.TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET }}
- Github Actions Image
- Twitter image
Shameless Plugs
- Join me and invest commission-free with Freetrade. Get started with a free share worth £3-£200.
- Start a blog on Hashnode
- Transfer money internationally with Wise
- Join coinbase with my and you will earn some free crypto as well
Now you don't have to worry about reposing your blogs!
Hope this helps😁
Feel free to comment with questions or feedback✌️
Happy coding,
Az 👨🏾💻