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What is method chaining Method chaining is where you can call multiple methods after one another in one line like...
Instructions on how to install latest free Magento 2.4.3 community version on AWS cloud using AWS EC2 and Docker · First Calculate your...
Use PHP Unit to check if a function was called once · Below we are going to use PHP Unit to check if a function was called inside a method. First setup...
In your module create a Test folder and add a unit test file app\code\AzCodez\MagentoTraining\Test\Unit\TestUnitTest.php Add code to your test...
Below instructions on setting up an automated GitHub actions workflow that runs some PHP · SignUp and Create a new reposiory in Github Add a php file...
A module is needed for any custom code you need to add to your Magento 2 instance. Below is steps on how to create a module · A module is needed for your...